JUst from my experience I want to share with you guys. While I love me a loosy goosy Diluadid IV. Almost the only thing I'll stick a pin in my arm for these days. I'd like to point out that Dilaudid has the fastest withdrawal onset I can think of and it hurts. I'll snort an opana any day over having a Dillie habit. So I only get a handful of Dillies every 4months or so. Withdrawal sets in with in a couple hours if you dont do more or have something stronger to take. I'll lay in bed sweaty and cant sleep, til i get up and do another shot and then I can rest for a few hours and I'll even get shivers and shakes, the extreme opposite of the withdrawal. This comes on with just a couple days use as morphones have a rapid tolerance. Diluadid gives you a headache that feels like someones index finger is in your sinus area. Extreme high,extreme low. Just wanted to add a little more info to this thread. I got Dillies and Oxymorph in the same order guess which one I still have some of and only do a few mgs every other day? X) nomad bloodbath